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Jaymee + Trevor’s Wedding Photos, Metchosin BC

Metchosin is home to wind-blown grassy fields, twisted arbutus trees, and spectacular views. Jaymee + Trevor’s intimate wedding took place under towering trees on top of mossy rocks.

This May wedding was hot, 30 degrees, and a full sun day. I met Trevor at the top of a forest path, the same one Jaymee would later walk up with her father on her way to the altar. We began with groomsmen portraits and family portraits, in and out of sublime greenery. The altar was made by Jaymee’s sister, and across from it sat two rows of chairs for their families. 

The ceremony involved drinking from horns, and of course, a sword fight with tiny daggers. Trevor faked his death after a stealth stab from his new wife, and the crowd cheered. The family moved onto the reception location in Langford, trading Metchosin and the cool shade for a cute residential home that was decorated to match the Scandinavian theme. 

Intimate, backyard weddings that take place in Metchosin, Langford, Sooke, or anywhere on the island have such a special place in my heart. You truly unlock some sort of magic under patio lanterns.