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Montego Bay, Jamaica • Meagan + Gavin’s Wedding Photos

“It rains every day between 2-6pm, what time is the wedding this week?” the bride’s cousin asked me

“4 o’clock,” I replied

Each day in the tropics brings a downpour, a beautiful one at that, but one that will leave you soaked in just a few minutes. Shortly after the soak, the clouds part, the birds sings and it is hot as all hell once again. 

I’ve known Meagan and Gavin for years now, I have memories of horseback riding with Meagan in middle school and playing dodgeball with Gavin too. I wanted their day to be as special as this destination wedding could be- which is a high bar. The Grand Palladium was amazing. 

Each day leading up to the wedding, I scouted spots for portraits and emergency areas in case we were hit with a downpour. The threat was very real! 

On the day of the wedding, I woke up to bright sunshine and headed to the beach for a swim with the wedding hours away. I floated on my back and saw there was not a cloud in site and hoped that would be the case for the entire day- and it was. 

The Grand Palladium had a wedding booked for each day that week, it rained each day too- except for on the 3rd, Meagan and Gavin’s day. 

I met Meagan that morning at the Spa before her wedding, we were served fresh ice cold tea and were brought into a styling room. Meagan’s sister sat close by to keep an eye on how her hair was being styled. 

“Gavin keeps trying to run into me already,” Meagan giggled “He keeps calling our room too but the girls keep answering- he will just have to wait!” 

We asked Meagan if she was nervous for the day.

“No, I am so excited!” 

Not a moment of uneasy- nervous for the crowd urges fell over Meagan, her heart was set. 

While I moved to meet Meagan at her room, my second shooter, Max, went to meet Gavin in his. The boys had fun as they always do! They had a few beers, shared some laughs but Gavin couldn’t wait to get to the ceremony. 

“While we were waiting for the shuttle, Gavin kept looking for her in the distance. You can tell he couldn’t wait to see her, he kept asking us where the shuttle was but even when we arrived at the ceremony and were waiting on the bridal party to arrive, he eyes were glued to the door.” Max shared

I sat with Meagan and her parents while we waited for our shuttle, they couldn’t take their eyes off of her. As she did look stunningly, beautiful, you could tell her parent’s hearts were beaming with pride. 

The ceremony was short but oh so sweet. As the groomsmen and bridesmaids made their way down the aisle Gavin stood waiting for her. As soon as Meagan entered, and the crowd rose, Gavin began to tear up. And of course, Meagan shed a few tears too. 

In a room filled with those who traveled far to see them, they stared at one another. A whopping 50 people at a destination wedding, and they were they for none but one another, and you could feel that. 

They kissed! Signed the papers and the party had already begun. Their loved ones swarmed them with love, well wishes and selfies! 

We moved onto capturing the portraits, and we grabbed some beautiful moments.  The new married couple were announced and had their grand entrance as everyone cheered before swarming the couple with love once more. 

As the night moved on, the party got wild. Guests performed dances, songs and even an odd silent animal skit as the married couple judged for the best contender. 

Thanks for staying out of it, rain! 

Meagan + Gavin’s Engagement Gallery